Edgelands Maps avec la Fundación Pilar à Cúcuta

Edgelands Mapping workshops are an Edgelands Institute methodology that looks for answers regarding the population’s understanding of concepts such as surveillance, safety, coexistence and general social contracts. We also analyze which spaces are considered safe or unsafe, in both physical and digital experiences.
In the last few weeks, we had a new edition of these workshops in Cúcuta in partnership with Fundación Pilar. The findings show some interesting conclusions, considering these workshops were exclusive to young people from Nuevo Horizonte, and how their perceptions change comparing to different age groups.
This is how young people understand the main concepts presented in the workshop: surveillance, security and coexistence.

And these are the results when asked about safe and unsafe spaces, both in their physical and digital lives.

The main findings presented by the group are:
- A general recognition that online platforms are not necessarily safe spaces. This is noticeable by recognizing the vulnerability of users when accessing the platforms, and how information presented online can be biased and fake. Unsafety and vulnerability are problems that exist in digital places as well, and user safety comes from responsibility in using these tools.
- Unsafety can exist in places that look safe from the outside. Safety and protection are interconnected concepts, and surveillance comes from this connection.
- Most agreements to preserve safety and coexistence come from unspoken agreements.