8 mai 2024

Cours sur les données et l'art avec Hablemos Medellín

Maria Camila Roldán

Dans le cadre du partenariat avec Hablemos Medellín, 5 jeunes de la communauté Edgelands de la ville ont participé à un cours sur les données et l'art à l'université EAFIT, où nous avons exploré les réponses des conversations que Hablemos Medellín a organisées entre juin et juillet 2023.

Hablemos Medellín banner

In the framework of the partnership with Hablemos Medellín, 5 young people from the Edgelands community in the city participated in a course on Data and Art at the EAFIT University, where we explored the responses of the conversations that Hablemos Medellín held between June and July 2023. This alliance was of interest to the Edgelands Institute because we wanted to know the opinion of citizens about security and surveillance, and this citizen dialogue platform was the bridge that brought us closer to the concerns and daily thoughts of the people of Medellin.

The course consisted of exploring the database with the responses of the 1520 participants of the conversations and making visualizations and graphs according to the topics of interest of each participant. In the Edgelands group, we focused on the conversations and responses related to security and surveillance, and in this blog we will expose some of the results we obtained.

Coincidentally, we found that security was the most popular topic with 166 participants talking about this topic.

Other popular topics were: education, mobility, government, environment, street dwellers, among others that are exposed in the following word cloud.

Surveillance was not a popular topic, but in a couple of speeches where security was discussed, reference was made to this issue.

Of the 166 people who spoke about security, 85 considered that this issue should be improved in the city, 80 that it should be changed and only 1 person considered that it should be maintained.

Regarding gender, we found that the majority of people who talked about security were women with 94 interventions, while men who talked about security were 59.

*No information on gender was found for the rest of the responses.

Finally, the following table shows the main topics that people used when talking about security. Public space and robberies were the most used topics and security cameras, education and coexistence were the least used.